Clinical Training In kolkata


Location: Rama Krishna Mission Seva Prathisthan, Kolkata

Date: From 2nd February 2009 to 21st February 2009

As it was done in last summer vacation, the same clinical training program for 3 weeks starting from 2nd feb to 21st feb. was conducted by SIEWF in Ramakrishna Mission Seva Prathisthan Hospital, a renowned post graduate teaching institute of Eastern India. 62 Students studying in different Medical Colleges in China attended the program which had a schedule of case history taking with bedside teaching for 3 hours in the morning session by Post Graduate Qualified teachers followed by 2 hours of theory classes in the afternoon session by senior specialists. The teaching plan comprised of 1 week each In Medicine, Surgery and Pediatric wards. The students were very happy as they had opportunity to attend the casualty wards, labour room, ICCU and operation theatre.

High Quality teaching and Clinical training were provided to the students.